Worship with us

Services Archive

We gather together in worship on Sunday mornings to renew our relationship with God.

Through music, the spoken word and silence, we celebrate the awesome majesty of our Creator, give thanks for our redemption by our savior Jesus Christ and receive strength and encouragement from the Holy Spirit to discover and live out God’s loving purpose for our lives.

Our worship service blends traditional and contemporary elements in ever-changing combinations. Drawing on the talents of our praise band, adult and children’s choirs, handbell ensembles, organist and instrumentalists, the musical offerings differ each week. The format of the service itself changes for special occasions or simply to better suit the day’s message.

Our services are open in person to all at 9:30am Sunday mornings and shared via livestream on Sunday mornings at 9:30am. 

We Believe

It is important that the message be a word that is formed from scripture and that speaks in relevant ways to our lives. Sermons may give us comfort as well as challenge us to follow the way of Jesus more truly. Sermons need to speak to where we live and are often more relatable when the message comes alive in stories that are true to life. We typically celebrate Holy Communion (the Lord’s Supper) every first Sunday of the month and on holy days such as Ash Wednesday or Maundy Thursday. All who come in faith are welcome to come to the table of the Lord as we believe it is Christ’s table. Children are welcome to come as parents feel appropriate.

Sunday Details

We gather at 9:30am as a united congregation in a single worship service with music, prayers and the reading of scripture. During in-person worship, around 10:00am children through 5th grade may leave worship prior to the sermon to attend Sunday School. Sunday School teachers and youth stay for the sermon and then leave at about 10:15am. Fellowship begins in Dobstaff Hall immediately following the conclusion of the service. Children are picked up from Sunday School at 11:00am (note in the summer it’s 10:30am) and may continue with Children’s Choir or Children’s Fellowship. Communion is typically offered the first Sunday of the month and on various special occasions.

Worship with us

Service is on Sundays at 9:30am

Children’s Sunday School

10:00 – 11:00am (10:30am dismissal in summer) Children begin in church with their families and dismissed during service

Infant Nursery Care

9:30 – 11:00am


In Dobstaff Hall immediately following the morning service. Children join the families at the conclusion of Sunday School.