World Relief Donations

If you signed up to donate to the new family welcome kit, please bring your items to church by the end of the month. 

February Book Discussion

Join Pastor Erin every Monday in February at 7pm to discuss the book, “Seven Primal Questions,” by Mike Foster.

Pickleball - February 8th, 3-5pm

$10 per person. Warrenville Park District. After playing, we will move over to Town Tap in Warrenville and enjoy some Al’s Pizza. Food and beverage costs will be each person’s responsibility. Sign up in the narthex.



DOnation drop off dates

Donations for People’s Resource Center and Interfaith Food Pantry can be dropped off on Saturday, February 15th and 22nd, and March 15th and 29th, from 11am-1pm.

There is also a collection bin outside the office. Please make sure items are unopened and not expired.

Men's Social Group

The St. Matthew Men’s Social Group will gather for dinner at The Burger Social in downtown Wheaton on Thursday, February 20th, at 6pm. 


Women's Fellowship Recipe Exchange

Women’s Fellowship group will meet on Thursday, February 20th, at 6pm, for dinner and a recipe exchange. Please bring your favorite soup, salad, or dessert to share along with copies of your recipe. Sign up in the narthex.


Sign-up to volunteer in a worship service

There are many ways to help in a Sunday worship service – read announcements, scripture, be a greeter, an usher, or an acolyte. All you need to do is click here and add your name to the appropriate date and opportunity. At the top of each column, you will see the name of a contact who can answer any questions about the specific opportunity. We’d love to have you be a part of an upcoming service!

SCARCE Collections

Don’t forget to collect and bring the following to church for SCARCE. 

We are currently collecting:

used gift cards, plastic bread tags, natural corks, and old ink cartridges.

About Us

Welcome to St. Matthew United Church of Christ of Wheaton, Illinois

We are an Open & Affirming and Green Flag Christian congregation, committed to God’s love and the ways of Jesus Christ. No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome and accepted here at St. Matthew United Church of Christ. We invite you to share in our worship and community.

Worship With Us


Our services are open in person to all at 9:30am Sunday mornings and shared via livestream on Sunday mornings at 9:30am.


View our services on YouTube


There are many ongoing and monthly events at St. Matthew UCC to engage all our members and visitors.



Our Mission & Vision

St. Matthew UCC helps both locally and globally,
wherever God calls to go

St. Matthew United Church of Christ strives to share the love of Jesus Christ with all of God’s children. Imitating the ministry of Jesus, we seek to minister in practical ways to assist the poor and homeless, the elderly and the infirmed, the grieving and the lonely, the powerless and the forgotten. In serving God’s people, St. Matthew UCC helps both locally and globally, wherever God calls to go; partners with community, ecumenical and UCC-related ministries that reflect the goals of St. Matthew UCC; engages in ministry unique to our vision; and offers assistance appropriate to the situation, whether through money, labor or leadership.

Family ministries

St. Matthew UCC ministries offer something for every age through both educational programs and fellowship opportunities.

Stay In Touch